Thursday 25 November 2010

The Novice

Heels in the Field

About 1½ weeks ago, I took one Ronalia Jackson into the backyard of our office (ECTAD) to aid me in composting. This was an event. Did she or didn’t she have heels on? Not to sure…yet my best guest is that she did... Come on 9½ times out of 10.

Getting Ronalia to accompany me took a lot of reminders. Literally calling upon her days in advance and even more so on the morning of the ‘event’.

Skepticism was probably present in her mind but her voice was silence. Oh I missed out on a photographic moment. Imagine “Ms Prime and Proper”, “Ms I Can’t Touch Dirt”, “Ms Agriculture is so Disgusting” was holding a fork, using a fork with dirty heels. Life presents such beautiful moments.

Hurriedly though, Ms Office Essential was glad to get out of the mud. Back to clean shoes... reapplying make-up and dressing as the “Prima Donna” that she is.  Did the novice enjoy her brief time in the company of compost? A Bit … I have to work on her a bit more

One By One To The Fields We Go
 Sustang D. Fergus


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. See you there again...same time, same place... ECTAD's office Backyard... NB: Remind me to bring along my sneakers... LOL!!!

  3. that sounds But Sustang, based on today's experience (although I was not there), I'm sure there's no need for a sneakers

  4. LOL LOL... Yeah that Make-up stuff hmmmm very interesing.. Oh My Goodness!!! Mind you I have to start reminding myself on a daily basis... Monday Morning am gonna be sporting My Flats... No more heels!!!
