Agriculture is undoubtedly the world's most important industry ahead of any other sector. Without it there will be no food. Yes, I can only imagine how long we as a species will survive without it. No medicine – need I say more. … And such basic materials for constructing clothing and shelter will not exist.
For the fashionistas among us, who must have the lasted styles and couture. Really, what will you do?
Perhaps we can opt to live in our smooth “rides” or our shoes – Remember that nursery rhyme… There was an old woman who lives …
Needless to state, agriculture is part of everything.
It is one of the world’s oldest industries along with hunting, employing about half of the world's workers - far more than in any other industry. Hence it must be supported at all levels as a productive sector that is central to reducing poverty.
Agriculture takes effort, hard-work and determination. If you want to be involved in agriculture, be reminded to trot lightly with a positive attitude. There will be ups and downs, pains and trials but if you love what you do, it can be done.
Remember, it doesn’t have to be a farm; a small plot can do. Planting and reaping, seeing the fruit of your labour blossoming before your eyes. I am ecstatic thinking about it. So to understand agriculture; one has to get ones hands dirty. Play with the soil, let it become your own.
Own it. Love it. Work it.
By Sustang D Fergus