Tuesday 23 November 2010


Deconstructing the Plant
Oh the promise of fruitfulness, of bounty, of blossom, of plenty...........PLANTS

My first crop…beautiful at the inception, dead by mid-season. Correction, death came to my beloved much sooner than that. To be honest I didn’t know what I was doing. Lack of water, little water, no water, no sunlight and the list goes on. The perfectionist in me however didn’t give up, I had to learn how to do this right. Surely as time slipped away, as distant sounds were being heard, new beloveds were found...........

As you welcome anew, seedling of variations into your fold, into your gardens. Please consider:
With a Friend
  • Time – what can one spare for the land
  • Soil – What will work best for any plant
  • Type of Plant – Can this crop survive in this environment
  • Money – How much are we willing to spend (this option should be first, don’t you think?)

As with any decision to be made, we must select from the varieties that are available. However our choice should be made on what is best and not what looks or seems the best. Come on think of it as an exercise in your democratic right…Ok…that is a bit much but you get the idea.

It is all about taste and what we fancy. In my own garden there are lots of vegetables. Why? … because I am a veggie girl in my own veggie worldnon pun intended…View your garden as a friend that you want only the best for …long term relationship not just dating . If that’s what it takes, work with it.

Hmmmh! Think of it as ..........................
Do I choose This                          or                                   This?

What to wear?
Do I even like pink? purple? Turquoise?

Commitment at all Cost

Sustang D Fergus

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