Wednesday 17 November 2010

What's in the Packing?

You Never Get A Second Chance To Make A First Impression. How believable true this is. No matter how much one tries to make amends for what was presented before, it cannot be undone. Presentation! Presentation! Again... Presentation!

Wait a minute, Is this about agriculture. But it is. Oftentimes the way a product is presented to the consumer leaves a great deal to be desired. We have all had the experience of wanting to buy local or regional products but had a change of heart due to the presentation or lack thereof.
Honestly I would much rather buy a product that is properly packaged unless I know otherwise. It may not be the best among the selection but it had caught my eyes. .. Hoping it is not the demise of me. Just kidding. Come on, it is also about my health, my well being, you health, your well being that is at stake here.

This lack of presentation is one of the key reasons that so many local and regional products go unnoticed, unpurchased at various markets. No one wants to spend valued money on such a product. Our hard earned dollars cannot be thrown away frivolously. 

If that is the way a product is presented, it states only to clearly to the naked eye that the producer, don't give a damn and couldn't care less. Then why should I? Really, why Should I Care to eat Caribbean Food, If you Don't Care Either.                            

Two of my Favourite site:
...Pondering in my head....
Sustang D. Fergus

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